Agricultural Buildings

Certain agricultural buildings (barns) are specifically excluded from the permit requirements of the Pa. Uniform Construction Code.

Cattle & Horse Barns are Exempt from Building Permit Requirements
Buildings that store farm equipment and implements may also be exempt from certain Building Permit requirements

This form is required to be submitted to the municipality prior to the construction of any agricultural building. There is no fee to submit this form. However it must be Notarized.

It is important to note that buildings containing areas that agricultural products are processed, packaged, or treated are NOT exempt from the Code.

Also any space or area that us used to conduct business, such as an office, or places of occupancy that could be open to the general public must be permitted and meet all Building Code requirements.

Persons proposing to construct a permit-exempt agricultural building (or barn) must complete an “Exemption Form” and file the completed form with Jones Township. There is no fee for filing this form, however the form must be notarized.

Even though these agricultural buildings, recreational cabins, small sheds and garages are exempt from the UCC, they may still require a zoning permit. Zoning permits typically regulate where a certain type of building may be built, a zoning law governs how the land is used. A building permit on the other hand regulates how the building is actually constructed or built. .

The above form must be completed prior to construction and returned to:

Jones Township

PO Box 25

Wilcox, PA 15870