Cameron County Permit Applications

Jones Township administers the Uniform Construction Code for all seven municipalities within Cameron County.  Including the Boroughs of Emporium and Driftwood, and the Townships of Shippen, Lumber, Grove, Portage, and Gibson.

Building Permit Applications:

All of the above forms and documentation must be submitted to:
Mr. Russ Braun, Building Code Official
P.O. BOX 25
WILCOX, PA 15870

 The following guide is intended to assist in the proper flow of paperwork required to construct, install, replace or relocate a new dwelling or other buildings including camps cottages, industrial and commercial buildings in which a Building Permit is required.  

Before You Apply
           We suggest that you sit down with your contractor or architect and discuss just exactly what your building plans are.   You or your contractor or architect must prepare a set of plans or drawings indicating exactly what you are planning to build.  It is very important that these plans contain all the required details when submitting them to Jones Township for review.  Incomplete plans can add weeks or even months to getting your Permit Application approved.  

Each municipality in Cameron County requires a valid Sewage and a Pa. Uniform Construction Code (UCC) Building Permit prior to the installation or construction of any dwelling, including mobile homes, and other structures utilized as a recreational cabins. In addition, Cameron County also requires an approved Zoning Permit prior to any work being done.  

  Click Here for:  On-Lot Septic System Information

In most all circumstances, three separate types of permits are required for new construction.  These permits are sewage, zoning, and building and must be obtained in this order.  In other words, a sewage, or sewer, permit is required prior to receiving zoning approval, and zoning approval is required before a UCC building permit is issued.  In some instances, a State Highway Occupancy Permit must also be obtained from PennDOT prior to constructing a new driveway entrance to a state maintained road.  

       In areas not served by a municipal public sewer, you should contact the municipal office or Secretary your project is located and obtain an Application for an On-lot Sewage Disposal System.  Contact information is located at the bottom of this page.
     Once an Application is obtained, contact the Sewage Enforcement Officer, Mr. Russ Braun at (814) 781-3663 or (814) 594-6194 to schedule any necessary soils testing or inspections.  

    To obtain a permit for an on-lot sewage system the following steps must be followed:  
       If the lot is in a subdivision, the lot owner should first ensure that all other state, county and local planning, zoning and land use requirements have been met by checking with municipal officials. If the lot is proposed to be subdivided from a larger tract of land, both local and state subdivision approval is required prior to the issuance of any permits.  
       The SEO will conduct a site investigation and will determine lot slope and conduct soil profile examinations and percolation tests to determine if the site is suitable for an on-lot system. If suitable, the SEO determines which type of on-lot system will work best.  If the slope of the site is too steep (greater than 12% – 25%) or if unsuitable soils are found an on-lot systems cannot be used. The on-lot system also must be isolated away from certain natural and man-made features.  
       If the site is suitable, the SEO informs the lot owner or agent to proceed with the system design. The system must be designed with certain factors in mind, including site conditions, isolation distances, percolation test results and the number of bedrooms in the home.    
     IMPORTANT NOTE:  Building sites for new or replacement dwellings to be served by an existing individual onlot sewage disposal (septic) systems, including privies and holding tanks, must be tested, field verified and approved by the municipal Sewage Enforcement Officer PRIOR to making an application for a Zoning or Building Permit.

                       Click Here for additional On-Lot Septic System Information

·         In areas served by public sewers, the Mid Cameron Municipal Sewer Authority must be contacted by calling (814) 486-0481.  Any tap and connection fees must be paid prior to approval to utilize the public sewer system.  

·         Once a valid sewage or sewer permit is obtained, you may apply to the Cameron County Zoning Officer, Michelle Reed, for zoning and floodplain approval.  Ms. Reed may be contacted at the Cameron County Courthouse at (814) 486-9356 or by email at:
·         Projects located in the Borough of Emporium must obtain zoning approval from the Borough, not the County.  Please contact the Borough Office at 814-486-3617  

·         Once both sewage and zoning approvals have been secured, you may then submit an application for a Building Permit or apply for a “recreational cabin” exclusion under the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (Pa. UCC) through Jones Township. The Building Official, Mr. Russ Braun can be contacted by calling (814) 781-3663 or (814) 929 5138.

Municipal Contact Information:
Buildng Code Official / Sewage Enforcement Officer:  Mr. Russ Braun,  Phone: 814-781-3663 or (814) 594-6194 Mailing Address: 426 W. Theresia Road, St. Marys, PA 15857 email:

Cameron County Zoning Officer:  Ms. Michele Reed  Phone: 814-486-9356Fax: 814-486-9399 Email:

Emporium Borough Manager and Zoning Officer:
 Donald G. Reed  (Stretch)-  Borough Manager                   Phone: 814-486-0768 Ext # 22

Driftwood Borough Secretary: 814- 546-9198

Shippen Township Secretary:  Brandy Jackson:  Phone: 814-486-0727

Lumber Township Secretary: Kimberly Sinnamond ,  Phone  814-562-0625

Gibson Township Secretary:  Phone:  814-546-2315

Portage Township Secretary:   Marsha Patros,  Phone  814-486-0699

Grove Township Secretary: Brandi Sherry,  Phone:  814-546-2408

Click here to visit the: Cameron County Official Website

All codes, permit applications, and guidelines are subject to change. Please contact the Jones Township Office for information on your specific project at: 814-929-5138.