Jones Township (Elk County) Stormwater Requirements
In the spring of 2011 Jones Township, as well as other Elk County municipalities, adopted the Elk County Model Stormwater Ordinance. These Ordinances were adopted to insure that stormwater is properly discharged without causing excessive runoff, erosion and flooding. The Ordinance requires all projects to comply with the Pa. DEP BMP Manual.
The Township will now be requiring Stormwater Management Permits for certain construction activities involving land development or earth disturbance activity that may affect stormwater runoff. The extent of any required stormwater plan is dependent upon the area of impervious area created as indicated by the Section 302 D of the Ordinance
Note: New Single Family Residential Dwellings situated on a single lot are exempt from the above requirements when:
- All buildings are setback a minimum of 75-feet from all downslope property lines
- Driveway stormwater runoff is discharged onto a pervious surface with a gravel strip or other spreading device
- No more than 1000 SQ FT of paved or concrete surface discharges stormwater to any single point.
In addition the above Stormwater requirements, The Pa. Dept of Environmental Protection also requires additional Erosion & Sedimentation Permits. Additional information can be found at the Pa. DEP Stormwater website.
· All earth disturbance activities, including those that disturb less than 5000 sq. ft., must implement and maintain E&S controls.
· A written E&S Control Plan is required to be on site if the total disturbance is greater than 5000 sq. ft. or if the project site is has the potential to discharge to stream designated as High Quality (HQ) or Exceptional Value (EV) regardless of the amount of earth disturbance.
· An NPDES Permit is required if one (1) acre or more of earth will be disturbed.
You must contact the County Conservation District to determine these requirements and obtain these E&S Permit approvals before other municipal permits being can be approved.
- Elk County Conservation District: 814-776-5373
- Cameron County Conservation District: 814-486-9302
- McKean County Conservation District: 814-887-3234
It is the responsibility of both the property owner and contractor to ensure compliance with these E&S requirements. Additional state or federal permits maybe required if any construction occurs near or along streams, ditches, storm sewers, ponds, wetlands and other surface water. Contact the appropriate Conservation District for more information.